INTERRUPTING CHICKEN (Notable Books for Children)

02 Aug

  Stein, David Ezra. (2010). INTERRUPTING CHICKEN. China: Candlewick Press.

  INTERRUPTING CHICKEN is on the Notable Books for Children list for 2011.

  INTERRUPTING CHICKEN is an amusing, short read. Those of us who have children know they will do anything to put off going to sleep, so we can relate to this tale. The father chicken reads a story to the little red chicken at bedtime. But she interrupts every story by putting herself into the action and revealing what’s really going on. The father chicken starts over a couple of times but runs out of stories. So the little red chicken reads to HIM and HE falls asleep! The illustrations are very colorful and eye-catching. This is a good bedtime book for children under four years old.

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Posted by on August 2, 2011 in Notable Books for Children


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