The Savage (Fantasy)

06 Nov

The SavageAlmond, D. (2008, McKean, D. Illus.). The Savage. Somerville, MA. Candlewick.

   This is a very dark story, which is right up my alley (one of my favorite books is, The Lovely Bones). When Blue has to deal with this father’s death, he’s advised to write about his feelings. What he comes up with, instead, is a story about a wild boy who lives in the woods and, sometimes, kills and eats people. His life experiences, like being bullied, become incorporated into his story. And reality becomes mixed with fantasy until Blue isn’t sure what is real and what isn’t.  When the bully is beaten one night, Blue believes what he is writing is coming true. Is it or isn’t it? It’s up to the reader to decide.

   The story is compared to a graphic novel by some because of all the pictures but it is more of an illustrated story. The pictures show the savage and his wildness. They capture the intense feelings of this story. Ultimately, it is a story about pain and emotion and how one child deals with it.

   There are some swear words and, of course, violence in The Savage. I would recommend it for readers of sixth grade and up. Very sensitive children may not want to read this book.

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Posted by on November 6, 2011 in Young Adult Fantasy


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