Category Archives: The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

  Collins, Suzanne. (2008). The Hunger Games. New York: Scholastic, Inc.

  The Hunger Games is definitely one of the most popular books out there. Not only for teens but for many adults, as well. When this book first came into our school library, I remember our librarian telling me about it and recommending it for my avid readers. I had not, however, gotten around to reading it until this class. I really liked The Hunger Games. I am a big fan of science fiction. The plot of this book, with youngsters being forced to take part in televised games to the death reminded me of an old movie called, “The Running Man”. It had a similar plot, although adults were the ones who were “running for their lives”, not children. I found The Hunger Games to be an easy read and hard to put down. Those who are not into science fiction or fantasy may not be so fond of it but with the popularity of reality television these days, I think most readers will be able to relate.

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Posted by on August 2, 2011 in The Hunger Games