Category Archives: Twilight


   Meyer, Stephenie. (2005). Twilight. New York: Little, Brown, and Company.

   I had put off reading Twilight because, to be honest, I just didn’t have the interest. However, as an aspiring school librarian, I understand why it’s necessary to be informed about the books your students are interested in reading. So, I read Twilight. It was exactly what I expected. The book was extremely difficult for me to get into. The pace is very slow. (As one of my fellow teachers put it, “the author spent the first hundred pages telling us about Edward’s eyes”). Everyone kept telling me it got better about halfway through. I never experienced this. I see the appeal, especially to teenaged girls. It’s a love story. The boys are extremely good looking. And every teenaged girl dreams of such a true love. So, while Twilight isn’t for me, I can certainly see why it has become so popular.

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Posted by on August 2, 2011 in Twilight